Are We Giving Christianity A Bad Name?

A few weeks ago, I came across a friend's post on Facebook which birthed several questions on my mind. This person felt sorry for people whom she called "believers of the afterlife" who are stressing on their lives because of an anticipated judgment day where all actions in the conscious life will be under scrutiny. While the post has SOME truth to it (from a believer's point of view), it does NOT apply to Christianity. If you will look deeper in the Bible. It is written in John 3:18 that judgment will be different for believers and unbelievers. This, in itself, is a whole new topic so let me go back to the questions...

1. Why did she feel sorry?
2. Does she have the right to feel sorry for the believers?
3. Why does she think that all believers are toiling for the judgment day?
4. As Christians, aren't we supposed to be striving to live a good life out of our love for God and not for fear of judgment day?
5. Are we really stressing out on Christianity?
6. Are Christians not allowed to be stressed in life?
7. How am I going to live my life in a way that unbelievers will desire to be a Christian and not feel sorry for us?
...and a couple more as you read through the end.

If there is one Christian jargon that took me a long time to fully understand, that is the word "burden". And if I would assume, this is one of the reasons why unbelievers despise Christianity. Who desires burden anyway? I, myself didn't want to commit to Christ when I first read the verse (Matthew 16:24) that says, "...take up your cross and follow Me." (Whoa, whoa! That sounds heavy!) But in the 14 years of my Christian walk, I have come to love that cross the Bible is talking about. God taught me how through His Word. His GRACE is what enables me to carry that "cross". If you do not understand grace and you want to experience it, you will have to find out for yourself by asking God for it. It sounds supernatural but it's not. God's grace is not rocket science. It is what has enabled me to keep walking with Christ without feeling the burden. It is also available to you. Just ASK. SEEK. KNOCK.

While every person in this planet goes through tough times, Christians have all that it takes to live against the flow. Let me just say that a burdensome Christian is a questionable Christian. I do not intend to judge but I have observed so many Christians who complain about how hard the Christian life is (probably putting his/her best foot forward and working so hard to live up to the "exemplary Christian" standard). This person has not fully understood what it means to live by God's grace. And such a life does not and never will look appealing to any non-Christian for all the right reasons. 

Are we supposed to make it look easy or at least happy to walk a life with Christ?

Amazingly, as I began writing this, God has been so consistent in satisfying my persistent probing.

The answer is a resounding NO. By all means, I couldn't care less if another person pities me for pursuing Christ and carrying my cross. No matter how awful or lame it may look like in other people's eyes (e.g. simple life, too much time inside the church, little to no income, life out of the limelight), I will not trade my walk with the Lord for anything else. I don't know if it is just me, but I have always been mystified by people who are happy and content living simple lives or what most of us call "poor lives". When God made me realize that His grace is enough for every person, my perspective had gone through a major shift. A person will be joyful with many or with few as long as he/she understands that whatever he/she possesses is all by God's grace. Joy will always be evident in a person who embraces God's grace.  

What does it mean to live against the flow?
Christians are called to live a sanctified life; sanctified, meaning set apart, consecrated, or purified from sin. But I have found a significant synonym for the word sanctified: unburdened. In the midst of suffering, you will spot a Christian being the one whose joy is preserved. It is not something that can be faked. Genuine joy in suffering emanates and it is hard to hide. When Jesus said that Christians are salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16), He meant that we will undoubtedly stand out.

To answer the question in this blog's title (by the way, I am asking that question to you, Christian brothers and sisters): if there is no joy in suffering, we are giving Christianity a bad name. More so, if there is no joy in abundance, it is most pitiful. If you are in this state as you are reading this, let me encourage you with God's Word:

Thus says the LORD: "The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, the LORD appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
Jeremiah 31:2-3

Allow God's love, grace and faithfulness to rescue you. He knows more than we thought we know how to protect His Name.

(Started: April 15, 2017 | Completed: April 25, 2017)


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