Through His Eyes

I hate to say this but we live in a generation of extremely talented people whose identities are validated by likes and hearts on social media. I would call myself a social media bug and I will not deny loving the feeling of getting more than 100 likes on my photos or posts. However, I am finally writing this piece to encourage you, ladies and gentlemen, to break free from craving the approval of other people - not just on social media but more so in real life.

Seven years ago, God has freed me from a relationship that I thought was good for me. I have experienced living like a hypocrite- declaring that I am a Christian but living a life that is totally displeasing to the Lord. Not so long after that breakup, by God's grace and an injury on my knee, I have experienced God's power in my life. He has healed and renewed me in all aspects that I declared "no turning back."

Despite my declaration, there were parts of my past that I haven't surrendered. My desire for a lifetime partner had me asking God consistently to give me a godly man. I even wrote a checklist of the qualities that I want in a man. One of my strengths is my friendliness, and so initiating talks with any person is a piece of cake for me. I took it to my advantage so I could talk to guys (especially those that I was interested in) for hours on end without appearing flirty. Three years ago, I met a guy who almost checked everything on my list - and guess what? He was actually interested in me! I thought maybe he was God's answer to my prayers. I thought! Facebook likes turned to small chats that eventually became overnight conversations. Weekly visits turned to regular meet-ups doing our common interests. In short, we made a lot of good memories. I was already asking God for a confirmation if he really was His best for me.

When we ask, God is faithful to give an answer. On July 4, 2015, God finally answered with a big and painful NO. Yes, it was so painful that I cannot forget the exact day. Can you imagine getting a "no" after all the good times? It happened after a deal-breaking incident that I had to ask the guy to decide whether we would commit to a relationship or cut our ties from that day on. He chose not to commit because he said he wasn't ready, only to find out after a few weeks that he had chosen another girl (if you would ever happen to read this, I have forgiven you by the grace of God).

I have suffered from the bitterness and pain of not being chosen. I had seasons of asking God, "What's wrong with me? Why did he choose another girl over me?" I was so sick of comparison. My pride in everything that I thought I could offer was shattered. This was where God met me with His ultimate love. In my desperation, I turned to the Bible. I have been doing daily devotions for years, but there was one special day when God reminded me through His Word that He bought me with the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. It doesn't matter who chooses or rejects me in this world as long as I am assured of my IDENTITY IN CHRIST - He sees me as His child and that is all that I needed to know. I thank God for restoring the joy of my salvation!

If you are struggling with the same pain or have been seeking the approval of men, I can confidently tell you that it is a never-ending cycle unless you surrender your life to the only One who can fill that gap in your heart. JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY. Stop looking around and begging for people's attention because JESUS IS ALL THAT WE NEED. All of our sins have been covered by His blood on the Cross. He did this so that we might be reconciled with God. Believe in Him, repent and turn away from that old filthy life.

P.S. I am open to conversations related to this post. Feel free to connect with me on Messenger, Instagram or Twitter.


  1. I also had that bitterness because of being not chosen over another. Hurts so much. It is now justified . God has the best plan for each of us.

    1. Super justified na, Abib! God has blessed you with the love of your life.


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