The Perfect God and the Original Sin

I am not sure how outdated I am but two weeks ago, I have seen the video of President Duterte ranting about the "original sin" and calling the Holy God all sorts of insulting names. Putting it simply, President Duterte blames God for the original sin and I strongly oppose his view. I once had the same questions (minus all the cussing) - Why would a perfect God allow His perfect creation to commit sin?" As I began seeking for answers from the Bible, everything made sense to me.

Let me share these important truths that the President missed: 

*  God's original design was for Adam and Eve to LIVE IN FREEDOM WITH HIM. They were freely moving around and they were allowed to eat the fruit of any tree in the garden with the exception of only one (read Genesis 2:16-17)

*  ADAM AND EVE CHOSE TO DISOBEY God's command when they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. By their own volition, their response to the serpent's temptation was disobedience to God's command.

*  GOD DID NOT CREATE SIN.  God's original design was pure and eternal. Holy God despises sin, so why would He create it? He created everything good (including Lucifer who used to be the most beautiful angel until his rebellion against the God that brought him to destruction).

*  SIN IS THE POWER OF DEATH AND DEGENERATION. It is anything - big or small - that's against the Holiness of God.  His plan is for us to be united with Him for all time but that one act of disobedience has ruined what was meant to be perfect. Now, isn't it easy to blame it on Adam and Eve? If they had not disobeyed, we would not experience death, crimes, sadness, and destruction. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was without sin? What if the world remained in its perfect form? And among these questions, the greatest conflict that I had in mind was: Why didn't God just stop them from committing sin (He is God so He could have done it in a snap)? These were my exact rumblings until I understood the next thing... 

*  GOD LOVES US. He showed this love when He created us with the ability to make sensible and responsible decisions. And whether we made good or bad choices, His love never changes. Oh, how I thank Him that He did not create us like robots that could only operate with the push of a button!

Always remember the gift of free will. "True love feels like freedom." God is the author of that love. Free will wasn't a loophole in His creation but it is the greatest mystery, far too great beyond human comprehension.

Have you ever deliberately made a bad decision but you wonder why your parents never stopped you from doing it? It is because they know you will learn from that mistake. It is the most painful thing to watch a loved one crumbling from their poor choices but it is true that authentic growth happens after a person's greatest downfall.

*  GOD HAS A PLAN FOR RECONCILIATION. The neglect or unawareness of this truth has caused people to look away from God. Many people have already missed experiencing the compassion of God so I am taking this chance to elaborate on "reconciliation". After the fall, God did not leave them alone and hopeless. He is a just God so there had to be consequences (Genesis 3:16-19) for their disobedience BUT He remained loving so He clothed them with animal's skin (see Genesis 3:21). This act of covering foreshadows His plan of reuniting with us through Jesus Christ. Sin requires a pure sacrifice in order to be forgiven. Jesus Christ was the only qualified sacrifice to appease God's wrath against sin. Why? He lived a perfect, sinless life as a human. No one and nothing else can make it possible.

I never would have understood God's love and grace if I never knew that I needed them. I am the kind of person who doesn't mind getting my hands dirty (especially when I'm out on adventures!) but there is an innate need to cleanse after everything. Some people might be stricter in keeping themselves spotless and I have high respect for them. But whether or not you love staying clean physically, there is a higher call to become spiritually pure - one which is not accomplished by outward cleansing. This spiritual purity can only be achieved by accepting that on the rugged cross, Jesus' blood was shed for our sins and that He rose again and had promised to come back to reunite Himself with those who believe.


Going back to President Duterte's remarks, I remain in total opposition to his statements against God. He will surely face the consequences of his actions in whichever way God pleases. I just pray that he would eventually understand the truth that the God he tried to mock never lost His holiness and greatness by the filthy words of a mere human being. He remains to be the Perfect God no matter what any person calls him.

Feel free to comment here or send me a message if you have questions or reactions to this post.


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